Category Archives: Advertising

The greatest of all evils, watchout

March 06

My Brief Brush with Acting and the secret Evils within the Media Industry…

Lights, Camera….. Throughout this blog, my loathing of the advertising industry and its extended family is no secret, you’ll literally see it scattered across all of my posts. So I don’t need to go into detail why I despise the industry as a whole. However what I want to do today is pinpoint one of […]

April 30

The age old magic of advertising : Winderoe’s ‘Grandpa’s Magic Trick’ ad campaign

Oh no, not this again Everyone and their chips should know by now that I hate advertisers, mostly because of their lazy stereotyping and their constant need to keep us consuming rather than creating. There is one thing I can’t deny though, the very best of them are perhaps the greatest storytellers of our generation. They […]

April 26

Magic magic magic…

Abracadabra Magic in its fundamental state is such a beautiful thing. The reason mostly comes down to the fact that human beings are pretty much cause and reaction based creatures. Everything we have built is based on this logic and rational. This is what helped us become rulers of our domains and even put a man on […]

January 05

The greatest piece of advice you should never buy into

Lick your lips… From the very moment we are born, we are being influenced by our surroundings And from the very first time we suckle down on your momma’s teat for a filling meal, we go from becoming one of nature’s unique beautiful creatures to nothing more than an empty statistic. We are now one of the […]

January 01

The Yin of Greed

The Yin of Greed There are certain phrases that are used by the general public to describe the dismay of life and things in general. But I quite like this one. Everyone can be bought for a price. A lot of people may argue this but the fact of the matter that the majority of […]

January 01

2012: The year of nothing

My vision for 2012 I’ve decided to name this year ‘the year of the nothing, inspired by the Chinese and their naming of their years after their traditional animals. For all of you whom are actually interested, this year is year of the Dragon. So now you know… But i will explain why this year […]

December 16

A bad case of the runs…

Every Journey begins with a single step The other day I happened to be doing my usual youtube searching for stuff and I came across something that had potential to rival my QUOTE OF THE YEAR 2011 (Click here for more). It also inspired me to write this lil piece here so I will combine the […]

December 12

I be(LIE)ve in fairy tale endings…don’t you?

Here ye, here ye, Mi harties, I do have something instore for you all today…. Feast your eyes on this beautiful prize No, not the magic lamp that will give each user one BONAFIDE wish,  but something far far more valuable and coveted over… Come gather round folks and bear witness to what Walt Disney, […]

September 26

Putting ‘Google’ into Google makes Jesus Cry Chrome tears backwards

We all know my joint hate/love of adverts but Recently Google Did something pretty good. They did this This advert is quite a beautiful creation showcasing the variety of their companies products via the eyes of a beloved dad and daughter relationship. Now I have a paternal side, especially to younger daughters so this advert […]

June 18

Invisible Power – The beauty in Heinz’s Invisible bottle Campaign

It’s no doubt in my mind that advertisers are the root to all evil. The snake in the garden of Eden was the world’s first marketing executive and Eve was its very first customer. This notion of snakes tempting women still goes on to this day, but I won’t digress However, as I’ve mentioned before, adverts are indeed a […]

March 18

Reinventing the Wheel x 2 (Yelling at the top of my Lungs)

In times like these when money is tight and everyone is tightening up their belts, Advertising campaigns decide that instead of spending money in order to get you to stick with their products rather than moving to the cheaper alternative, they do something very clever They use the power of nostalgia and remind you of […]

March 15

Why/How is Andie Mcdowell Still alive???…

Anyone who knows me will know that I’m tolerant and it takes a while for something to get on my nerves The current issue took like 14 years. Andie mcdowell, she did ONE film, four weddings and the funeral, ONE BLOODY FILM and she ends up with a l’oreal contract. fair enough, it was a […]